Welcoming construction women

Thinking about the well-being of women workers. Now that’s sensible!

CSD Construction is fighting for construction sites to become inclusive workplaces where women can reach their full potential. We’ve proactively set up a series of measures for welcoming women and keeping them in the workforce.

Zero tolerance

Discrimination, bullying, and harassment don’t belong in the construction industry. At CSD Construction, we take these issues seriously. That’s why all of our advisors are trained to recognize, manage and prevent workplace discrimination, bullying and harassment.

If you’re experiencing or witnessing a troubling situation on the job, please don’t hesitate to report it to our advisory staff.

No matter where you work, if you’re uncomfortable speaking to a man about your situation, you can always ask to speak with a female union advisor by call your regional office or 1 866 899-1029.

Advisory staff who know the issues women in construction face

Every CSD Construction advisor and representative is trained on psychological and sexual harassment in the workplace through two courses exclusive to CSD Construction:

  • Formation Initiation à l’action syndicale dans la construction (IAS) (Intro to union life training):
    This course namely covers the issues women face as well as behaviour to adopt on construction sites to promote the integration and retention of women workers in the construction industry.
  • Déconstruire le harcèlement psychologique et sexuel dans le milieu de la construction (Deconstructing psychological and sexual harassment in the construction environment):
    This workshop developed by CSD Construction informs and equips members to fight psychological and sexual harassment at work.

Maternité sans danger (Motherhood without danger)

The CNESST’s program Maternité sans danger is designed to keep pregnant and nursing workers employed by assigning them to jobs where the work doesn’t pose any physical danger to the health of the parent or the child.

And if reassignment isn’t possible? You’re entitled to preventive withdrawal, also called precautionary cessation of work. For that, you need to complete and submit the form Certificat visant le retrait préventif ou l’affectation de la travailleuse enceinte ou qui allaite. If you need help filling out the form, feel free to call your union advisors.

Replacement income during preventive withdrawal

  • The employer pays 100% of your salary for the first 5 business days, then 90% of your net income for the following 14 days.
  • After the 14 days, you receive an income replacement benefit paid every 2 weeks by the CNESST. It’s equivalent to 90% of your net income.

Women active on construction sites

Welcoming people of all genders on construction sites is the way forward for our industry. CSD Construction is fighting to implement measures to improve women’s access to construction trades.

Here are a few measures currently in effect:

  • Rapid access to construction sites
  • Simplified access to apprentice certification
  • Priority referrals
  • Special access to continuous eduction.

Learn more about all the measures for improving access and integration for women being offered in the construction industry.

Grâce au Programme d’accès à l’égalité des femmes dans l’industrie de la construction (PAEF), le nombre de femmes sur les chantiers ne cesse de croître.


Job equity and quality of life for women on construction sites is concerning to us. That’s why CSD Construction is calling for work-life balance measures such as flexible work schedules.

See all CSD Construction’s demands

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