If you have a work accident or occupational disease

What do you do if you’ve been a victim of a work accident or occupational disease?

Working on construction sites comes with risks. Accidents happen often and the consequences can be serious. If you have an accident or an occupational disease, you can count on the support of our advisors. They’ll guide you through the whole administrative process for getting your compensation payments.

Here’s what to do if you experience a work accident:

  1. Fill out a worker’s claim. Even a small accident can cause lasting damage, even if it’s not immediately obvious. Depending on your state, your employer has to pay for your transportation to a healthcare facility. If you’re not capable of filling out an accident report, ask a colleague to do it for you.
  2. If the gravity warrants it, see a doctor the same day as your accident. You’ll need a medical note to be eligible for income replacement.
  3. Make sure that the accident was entered correctly in your employer’s accident log or register. You also need to sign the register and get a copy of the entry.
  4. Contact your union representative, they will guide you through the process.

A SOLID protection.

CSD Construction members get quick access to legal representation at no cost. Defending your rights is our mission! That’s why CSD Construction pays 100% of the legal and medical costs for defending our members in court.

On a construction site subject to Loi R-20, if you have a legal dispute with your employer, your rights will be defended by CSD Construction’s specialized labour lawyers and by medical experts.

Work accident victims’ rights

You have rights. REMEMBER! If you have an accident at work:

  • You need to refuse suggestions to file for EI. If you have a work accident, it’s the CNESST that pays you, not your insurer (MÉDIC).
  • Your employer must pay you 100% of your pay for the day of the accident and 90% of your pay for the next 14 days.
  • You need to fill out the Réclamation du travailleur form and send it to the CNESST. Ask our advisory staff to help you fill out the document correctly to make sure the work accident is recognized.
  • If you’re on medical leave, you might be entitled to a credit of 30 hours per week to help you maintain your group insurance. Don’t forget to apply.

To learn more about your rights, speak with a CSD Construction advisor.

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