Here to help you find a job in construction
ÉKR is job hunting made easy
It’s a mobile app where you can enter your availability and get alerts when construction jobs in your area get posted.
ÉKR lets you know about all the job offers the CCQ posts by sending you an email or text message. You can also get daily alerts when jobs that meet your criteria open up.
Are you looking for a construction job in Quebec? Let us know!
Indicate your availability directly in the ÉKR mobile application. You will receive, the same day, by email or text message, the job offers published by the CCQ. Obtain targeted offers according to your profession, only in the regions where you want to work.
Indicate that you’re available to work via the CCQ website
When you’re looking for a job, we recommend that you:
- Let us know that you’re available, either by giving us a phone call, or through the ÉKR app
- Update your professional profile on the CCQ’s Carnet référence construction by logging in to your online account or by calling 1-866-899-1029
- Indicate your availability on the CCQ’s online services portal.
And remember: after 7 consecutive days without pay, you qualify for employment insurance benefits.
Equipped to work in the Quebec construction industry!
Some employers require a CV (resumé) before hiring. Here’s our CV template that practically writes itself! All you have to do is replace the sections highlighted in yellow with your own information. Then just save it and send it by email to the employer. It’s a breeze!
Remember to update your CV often so that it’s ready when you need it later.
Need more information or some support? Our advisors can help you with your job search.