Prioritizing health and safety on construction sites

Your union is speaking up across all platforms to help the industry make progress and protect construction workers. That’s why your CSD Construction representatives sit on the boards of directors of CNESST and ASP Construction.

Planning for floating health and safety teams on worksites with 20 or fewer workers

It’s tough to demand your rights when you have no job security! Workers all too often hold their tongue instead of reporting a problem on a job site because they don’t want to put out the big boss.

CSD Construction thinks this situation is unacceptable. Since worksites with less than 100 people don’t have a permanent heath and safety representative, we think that responsibility for health and safety issues should be entrusted to impartial floating teams.

Taking inspiration from best practices from around the globe

To become a leader in prevention, you need to learn from the best! We recommend implementing a technical and scientific mechanism to learn about the best of what’s happening in the world of workplace heath and safety.

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