The construction workers’ union

We are CSD Construction

CSD Construction is an autonomous union that’s fully dedicated to defending the rights of workers in the construction industry. CSD Construction was founded in 1972 under the auspices of the Centrale des syndicats démocratiques du Québec (CSD), which represents over 300 unions. Today CSD Construction represents nearly 25,000 members in every kind of construction trade or occupation.

So that we can defend the rights of members working on job sites in other countries, CSD Construction is also a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), an organization that represents over 168 million people across 155 countries.

A well-grounded union that listens to its members

With 11 regional offices and 68 annual meetings held in all across Quebec, CSD Construction is a union that stays close to – and listens to – its members.

We’re a frontline union organization whose actions focus on on-the-ground work. We hear the issues you share with us and bring them to governing bodies, speaking with the voice of our members.

The values that guide what we do

CSD Construction’s union work is based on the following principles and values:

  • The right to fully exercise our freedom of association
  • Promoting and giving access to vocational and ongoing training
  • The social necessity of planning the development of major and capital works projects
  • Mobilization and awareness to prevent workplace accidents and work-related illnesses.

Getting involved to make legal progress

CSD Construction is an influential actor in the construction industry as we sit on 42 committees and sub-committees of the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ). Through our affiliation with the CSD, CSD Construction is also represented on the boards of directors of the CCQ, the CNESST and the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail, which makes recommendations to the Quebec ministry of labour (le ministre du Travail).

Surrounded by experts

CSD Construction is a member of the Comité des avantages sociaux de l’industrie de la construction (CASIC), the committee for construction industry group benefits which administers and grows the retirement plan and MÉDIC Construction. For even more support, CSD Construction works with Simon Campagnoli, a union actuary for SAI Actuarial Services, to make the best possible decisions for the future of the industry.

CSD Construction means 50 years of loyalty, solidarity and closeness with members. Plus making construction sites grounds for understanding, a framework for a healthy, inclusive and fair work life that brings a fresh look at trades and the construction industry as a whole.

Now that’s sensible!

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