It pays to work in construction!

Salaries protected by collective agreements

Your salary and your working conditions are set out in the four sectoral collective agreements, which are renegotiated every 4 years by the Alliance syndicale de l’industrie de la construction, an alliance that all construction unions are a part of.

Getting involved to update laws. Now that’s sensible!

Combining fighting spirit and solidarity

CSD Construction fights for your rights to be respected, to combat inequality, and to improve working conditions and prevent accidents on job sites.

Every four years we discuss priorities with the other unions. At the negotiation table, we show our solidarity with all workers by contributing our voice to the union alliance.

Informing workers so they can be more self-sufficient. Now that’s sensible!

You have to know your rights if you want them to respected. Our advisory staff know the collective agreements like the back of their hands. Get in touch with them for accurate and relevant information.

See salary scales for each sector and trade:

Time buffer in the residential sector

If you work in the residential sector you may benefit from a time buffer (réserve d’heures). This system lets you bank overtime hours and use them as needed under certain conditions. If your employer operates with a time buffer they have to do it for everyone who works for the business.

If you have any questions about this, talk to one of our advisors.

Get in touch with us