Union dues that are fair, equitable, and determined by the members

The best value in the construction industry

At CSD Construction 100% of membership dues turn into services that protect our members. They also make sure CSD Construction is represented on the committees and decision-making bodies that impact your life and your family’s life too.

What do your dues actually get you?

  • CSD Construction advisors on the ground
  • An administrative team that’s always there to help you
  • Protection of your rights
  • Access to legal experts
  • Access to medical experts
  • Union training
  • Promo items
  • Proactive union representatives

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How much are the union dues?

A CSD Construction all members are equals To keep things equitable, the dues you pay depend on your salary (hourly rate). Your dues are calculated at 50% of your hourly rate plus $0.035 for every hour worked. CSD Construction offers the best value in the industry.

For apprentices, dues are set at $11.74 per week, with an annual pay index defined by agreements.

With CSD Construction, you only pay dues when you work. But don’t worry! Your rights are still protected and you still get our services even when you’re on leave, no matter the reason (sick leave, laid off, etc.)

Transparent financial management

With us, the amount of your weekly dues is determined and voted on by CSD Construction members. Dues are managed with total transparency. That means that you can always look in on how union dues are being used. A SOLID union is a union you can trust.