Today, March 8, is International Women’s Rights Day.

We might be taking the time to highlight women’s issues today, but we are campaigning for them all year long. We want to encourage more women to join—and stay in—the construction industry, to strengthen protections against harassment, to make employers aware of their obligations towards pregnant women, to adapt construction sites to better suit women’s realities, to improve work-life balance measure and more.

To all of CSD Construction’s STRONG women workers, we stand with you!

We’re proud to shine a light on our members Cindy, Brigitte and Joannie, who were featured in Le Soleil Affaires magazine. Click below to read their stories:

Slightly more women in construction

The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) released the latest data on women in the construction industry. Data shows there is still a lot of work to be done to welcome more women and especially to keep them working in the field.

  • A total of 7,470 women, or almost 3.8% of the total workforce, worked on construction sites in 2023. This represents an increase of over 250 more women than in 2022.
  • A record number of 1,500 women, or just over 9.5% of all entrants, chose to start a career on a construction site. 
  • Only 4,460 companies hire women (16.2%);
  • Women are most represented in the following trades and occupations: painters (26.3%), carpenters (2.5%) and unskilled occupations (5.2%).

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